
December Wrap Up

🎵 Look who’s back, back again… 🎵

Hey guys, how you doin’?

So I’m back from my time off with my December Wrap Up. Better late than never, right? December is a crazy month, I have finals, at least 3 birthdays (including mine), Christmas, New Year’s Eve and so on. It’s definitely not a big reading month, hence I only read 3 books. I’m lucky I even managed to read anything at all so this was a win overall.

My January wrap up will be coming up next. 😉

icon lilac flower

Truly Devious coverTruly Devious (Truly Devious #1) by Maureen Johnson

It’s a miracle, a mystery book that legit kept me guessing all the way through. I’m always guessing things too quickly on mysteries, so this was a breath of fresh air. I’m so happy I was this engaged with the story that I’m not even mad that Truly Devious leaves many important answers for its sequel. Maybe I was cool with that because I read it so close to the release of The Vanishing Stair in January, 22. I really enjoyed the characters and I’d like to hang out with Stevie and her friends, and personally I really appreciated the anxiety representation in this book. Also I’m not sure why, but I felt kind of tense reading this book. It’s not a creepy book per say, but maybe that school setting with the combination of isolation, woods, secret passages and the feeling of imminent threat managed to freak me out a bit (which I loved).

star rating 4-5

rating: 4.5 stars

review: to come

icon gray flower

Carry On coverCarry On (Simon Snow #1) by Rainbow Rowell

All hail my favorite book of 2018! This has become one of my all time favorites for sure. Carry On made me so happy, I wouldn’t stop smiling throughout the whole thing. I was kind of shook to find such an unquestionable favorite so late in the month of December, but well, it happened. It was like reading Harry Potter for the first time again, but gay and without it really being Harry Potter. I mean, this is certainly inspired by HP (and other franchises), but it’s very much its own thing. Simon and Baz easily joined my top OTPs list. I’m so happy I read this so recently because now I don’t have to wait so long for the sequel Wayward Son (which btw I must say, as a Supernatural fan these titles are very emotionally triggering).

star rating 5

rating: 5 stars

review: to come

icon lilac flower

vicious first edition coverVicious (Villains #1) by V.E. Schwab

I buddy read this with Mina. We were supposed to be done with it on the first half of December, but everything got in the way. I ended up finishing Vicious on the last day of the year and I really enjoyed this book, but I feel like I would’ve enjoyed it more if I’d had the time to focus on it. I don’t like taking too long to read a book because it’s hard to connect with the story that way. This is why I want to reread Vicious this year, before moving on to Vengeful. But I think this was a well-written book. I like morally gray characters and both Victor and Eli are definitely no saints. I always thought Victor would be more chill because he’s the main narrator, but nope, he’s quite… vicious himself (sorry, I just had to 😂).

star rating 4

rating: 4 stars

review: to come

icon gray flower


So, that was it for my December. Have you read any of these books? Let me know down in the comments. 😊

6 thoughts on “December Wrap Up”

    1. Thank you Aurora! 😊 Oh Carry On renewed my faith in reading because I was having such a hard time finding 5 star books last year. I’m dying to get my hands on the sequel, but unfortunately I don’t think there’s a set date for it yet. At least we know it’s in 2019. ❤


  1. You lived!!!! Welcome back!!!
    I have read Vicious and it was one of my favorite books of 2018, I do agree though that it’s something that’s best when focused on, I read it one week. I also had an unquestionable favorite in December (Skyward by Brandon Sanderson), I feel like there’s always that one book that makes your favorites list that doesn’t come till the end of the year

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha thank you! 😀 I hope to be around more often.
      Right? I read it throughout the entire month so I don’t think I gave it the attention it needed, which is why I want to reread it. I’m glad you like it so much.
      Ohh Skyward is on my tbr for this year, but I’m reading another book by Brandon Sanderson right now, Elantris. It’s my first BS and I’m really enjoying his writing so far. I decided to pick it up bc it was the first book he published and I had it on my shelves, but Skyward is probably the next.
      Yes, sometimes the surprise makes the book even more special.


  2. Carry On!!! That makes me so happy to hear it was your favorite of 2018. I love that book with my entire heart, and I feel like I’m constantly rereading it lol. Ahhh I cannot WAIT for Wayward Son! Great wrap up Camile 🙂


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